dual fuel system
Tehnical specification
Support upto 1,2 MEGAWATT
The only controller in the market with 100% customizability as per client's requirement. Upto 5 In/Out Auxillary connections, with dual In/Out Channels and dual channels for 12v Out device connections ( customizable through software ).
- 32 bit processor @ 64Mhz
- Total Cores : 2
- BMW Standard Processor
- Equipped with HydroPhobic Venting
- Equipped with 5 Auxillary connections
- Equipped with dual In/Out Emulations
- Equipped with dual 12vOut connections
- Approved under 67R & 110R European norms
Technology & Automation
System is equipped with automatic diesel substitution based on Exhaust Gas Tempreture to ensure stability and safety
- Sensor delay : 250ms
- Tempreture limit : 800 ° C
- Automatic substitution reduction after 500° C
innovative solutions
Gas injectors with fastest dosing possible. Injection opening delay is only 1,6ms
- Min. opening time 1,6ms
- Hermatic automotive standard amp. connectors
Upto 30% Savings
Emission down by 50%
max. substitution upto 85%

Injection with minimum delay time of 1,6ms. Available resistance options : 3-6 Ohms. Injector type : Peak and Hold

Say goodbye to high generator costs and hello to savings with AUTOGEN's efficient generator conversions.
With AUTOGEN's generator conversions, you can transform your inefficient diesel generator into a cost-effective and eco-friendly piped natural gas (PNG). Say goodbye to high fuel and maintenance costs, and hello to savings on power generation. Trust AUTOGEN for expert generator conversions that prioritize both efficiency and safety.